Pretty In Pink

Friday, December 31, 2004

Last Day of 2004!

Today is the last day of 2004 and tomorrow will be a brand new day and year. I must say I had a good year on a whole.

I started a new job on the very first working day of the year. It was a wise decision to quit my previous dead-end job with a new boss who hates my guts and vice versa. I was very nicely welcomed into this company and found my team to be a close-knit one with a very nice lady boss at the helm. I feel lucky. The work may now be starting to get routine but the good people all around me minus out that minor negative aspect. I made a 2 very close friends....then lost 1 in the end through her own fault. But then, that is all water under the bridge now. Life goes on.

My relationship with my honey is growing stronger . We are making plans for our future so my new year resolution is to save money!!! A lot of expenses needed so no choice gotta save!!

This year, I also fulfilled my longtime wish to re-start my piano lessons. I enrolled for lessons and set my mind to actually getting past a few grades of exams. My dear daddy so nice, he actually volunteered to fork out the deposit for a piano for me! Thanks daddy!! If not for that, I won't be able to afford my darling Yamaha piano. I'm still paying the other half of the price of the piano by hire-purchase. Almost getting to the last instalment oledi!!

A year of making new and keeping old friendships...I renewed contact with my polymates - Ange, Liah and Nish. We actually managed to meet up (all 4 of us) a couple of times this year, which is absolutely great!! I haven't seen my other close polymate, Mr Sreekanth Raman!! Who is always so busy but then he does take the time to sms me once in a blue moon to see how I am. I don't ever EVER wanna lose contact with any of my good friends!!! I love all my friends!! Old ones and new ones alike!! I miss Violet too!!! It's just so darn irritating that the week she's in town, I get soooooo darned busy with everything!! I haven't seen Violet for soooooo many years!!!! Dunno when she'll be coming again or when I can have the chance to go to UK to visit her! Well, gotta do something about that!! I'm also glad that I still am in contact with my ex-colleagues, all of them! It's good to know that even after I've left the companies, I have brought something valuable away with me, something I can keep for life! Friends for life!! Amigos para siempre!!

I had a great X'mas too. Had a tiring but fun time shopping for everyone on my list and after that had many nice prezzies back!! Thanks everyone who gave me prezzies!! I love them all and I will keep them all in mint condition for as long as I can!!

For the coming new year, I hope the world will be a better place. I want lesser fightings, wars, terrorism, animal killings, more understanding among different races, more tolerance, more love and compassion towards fellow mankind and all animals. I especially hope that my fellow Singaporeans will be kinder to all stray animals. I hope I will not hear about anymore animal abuse and killing in my own country. I want all my loved ones to be happy and have all they can wish for and more. I want my honey to know how much I love him and will try to be a better girlfriend in the coming year!

Peace, love and happiness to all you people out there!! All hail a good year ahead!!

Happy 2005!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What attracts people to me?!

People like you becuase you're a sweetheart!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Hehe....I'm a pushover huh.....hmmm......we'll see about that! Found this quiz on Ange's blog, so I went to do oso! Thanks Ange!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

X'mas coming!! Santa coming!!

Hey peeps...i had a long weekend coz I took leave on Monday!!

Went to have a great lunch on Saturday with Nish, Ange and Liah. It was just so great to be able to sit down and eat and yak with all 4 of us present! It has been such a rarity for so long. Hopefully we will be able to do more of that more often! Oh! That might happen soon coz we're all invited to Ange's place on X'mas eve to celebrate X'mas as well as Ange's birthday!

After the extremely satisfying lunch at Spaggedies, we went shopping!! Ange, Liah and I shopped the WHOLE day in Orchard!! We bought stuff for ourselves and for others!! Yay!! So fun! Tiring but FUN!! I have about 3 names left on my x'mas gifts list now!

X'mas is always a time for giving. I don't expect anything in return because I already find joy in the shopping and giving process! So satisfying! But then it's also a crazy time in all the shopping centres, big or small, all over S'pore!! The crowds are like !! Like where did all those people come from?! Battling with the crowds just makes the shopping so much more stressful and tiring!! But then it's unavoidable I guess...since S'pore is so bloody overcrowded.

On Sunday, I woke up late then met Alan about 3pm to go for a movie. A movie I highly anticipated but then quite disappointed. I should have known coz it's a sequel and usually sequels are like so blah. I watched Ocean's Twelve and it is just sooooo duhz....sighs...

After the movie, we went to Musicdreamer (live music cafe in Marina Square) for some music. The 2 groups of singers were okok only...not too fantastic. I think I much prefer The Ark's singers and musicians! Must find a day to go!!

I was on leave on Monday and during lunchtime, I went back to my ex-company to meet my ex-colleagues for lunch. Only managed to have lunch with Adeline coz Shirley was on MC. I went up to my old office to have a look-see. Amazing, my work station is still like how I left it last year in December. And my ex-colleagues say that place is still known as Sharon's place....hehe! Sometimes I do miss working with my few close ex-colleagues but the work is shit and the rest of the people there are shit so I don't regret leaving except when I think of Adeline and Shirley.

Monday evening, Alan and I went to play badminton with Ange and Mark again ! As usual it was hilarious!!! So much of action!!! It was exhilarating!! But this morning, I woke up, almost cannot walk left ankle was hurting. Lucky now it's ok already.

Hehe....okie folks, now it's back to life, back to reality! In other words, back to work lor....!

Oh, btw, check out my 2 additions to my blog! Quotes and current reading material! I like to collect notable quotes so I'll be sharing as many as I can with everyone! as if sooooooooo many people read my blog! LOL!! Okok, gotta work!!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Learning is Fun!!

I was away from the office for 2 days! A "holiday" of sorts, always good to be away from work, in my opinion....haha! I wasn't looking forward to the workshop, was expecting it to be boring and filled with boring people. But then when I entered the room and saw my coursemates coming in, I got a positive vibe. We were all quiet and shy at first then after lunch on the first day, we got a bit more chatty. I must say the trainer is a great facilitator, humourous and so willing to share her experiences and thoughts and encouraged all of us to do the same.

The workshop was called "Effective Administrative Skills and Duties". It was a great 2 days, learnt a lot about my work and how I can improve on it, learnt more about myself and my thinking style made new friends! We did the Nad Hammon test to see what kind of thinkers we were. I'm in the Yellow category! Yellow thinkers are creative, full of ideas, hates rules and procedures coz we tend to break them and we do our work the way we like and more often than not, we have fun in the process! Oh God, I hate procedures, so what am I doing being an administrator?! The other categories were the Blues - logic-driven with plenty of leadership qualities, the Reds - sensitive, feeling and emotional people, the greens - procedural and analytical people. Very interesting indeed!! We were then put into groups based on our thinking styles. And the Blue group were serious and got down to work immediately, the greens took a bit more time than everyone else (coz gotta analyse everything first!), the reds also took more time (gotta do bonding first, touchy-feely) and the yellows well....plenty of hee-hee-ha-has and jokes in my group but we finished first ! We just had so much fun throughout the whole workshop! I can't wait to go for my next training! So much out there to learn, so much new knowledge and skills to learn, so many new friends to make!!!

Today, as usual, went to play badminton with the gang! And as usual, Sarah and I were the first to arrive. Lewis always late...what's new?! It was extra tiring today, not sure why. And I got a headache after the game. Maybe because I haven't been getting enough rest for this whole week. Thanks to my bloody neighbour upstairs, making so much noise in the middle of the night every night!!! After badminton, I came back home to take a nap but then my headache is still horribly achy. So, I'm gonna go sleep now....gotta wake up early tomorrow for breakfast with Ange and Mark and then pedicure and shopping, so it will be a lllllloooooonng day tomorrow!

Oyasumi everyone!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Another Weekend Ending....

I went to watch Alexander on Friday night with honey. I thought it will be a great movie...what a disappointment ! It was absolutely rubbish, messy and draggy. The only thing it had going for it were the fabulous costumes, just love the grecian togas, sexy !

On Saturday was another gruelling day of badminton with the gang. was such a great workout, I was perspiring buckets after the first half hour! The place we played at was a bit tricky to find. I took a cab and the uncle was as clueless as I was where it was. I think we made a decision to stick to Tampines sports hall next time. My turn to book the court for the upcoming Saturday's session. Oh after the badminton, we went for makan (what's new ?) at the nearby hawker centre, we had nice cold refreshing ice kachang and sugarcane juice! Then we jalan jalan a bit and Lewis and I bought badminton racket bags for $15 each! Such a good deal and the bag looks nice too. Next up, I'm gonna buy myself a better racket! Bonus come quickly!! Can't wait!

Today woke up quite early for a Sunday morning and met honey. We went to eat at Mos at Bugis first then went to the Asians Civilisations Museum for the Land of the Ottoman Sultans exhibition which ends today. I feel so culture vulture today LOL!! Great place to hang out actually, the museum. The exhibits were really interesting! always good to learn more about the world out there!

Alas, Monday is upon us again!! Sigh....back to work tomorrow, what a drag! But well, I'll just keep thinking about the bonus ....ciao everyone!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Singapore Idols - The Finals!!!

Tonight is the night!! The night Singaporeans prove they have ears...haha! Ok ok, I know all this idol thingy is subjective, so I'm not going to shoot anyone for not supporting the one I think should be the S.I.

Taufik Batisah...I was a bit surprised at first that he got into finals. Then I heard him sing My Girl and well, he was not bad. And then! I heard him sing the disco song, September, I was totally blown away. I forgot that I said earlier I will not waste any money voting for any of the finalists...when I heard Gurmit say "the lines are open!", I grabbed my HP and sent 2 smses to support Taufik. Anyone who can sing so flawlessly and confidently definitely deserves my vote!

So tonight, I'm not going anywhere after my piano lesson, except back home to catch the show with my family! And I'm going to vote!! I think the show will be fabulous!! And if you're gonna vote too, please please please VOTE FOR TALENT!! Enough mistakes have been made, for eg. Jeassea! Olinda!!