Pretty In Pink

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Zoo Trip!!

I went to the Zoo with honey, Ange, Mark and Jolene last Sunday and had a good time except for the 2 times it poured! First time, we took a break and waited at the White Tigers' enclosure (and I am so not complaining!!). That shower lasted only a little while. Then we thought we saw the last of the rain and continued on.....who noes, we got stuck AGAIN! And this time it rained like there was no tomorrow! We sat in the shelter where the leopard is but the fellow was in hiding and we stared blankly at the glass enclosure and at each other. Jolene even fell asleep! At last we decided to brave the rain and we walked out and got absolutely drenched!

It was great to see all the animals! All look so interesting and interested in us.....just look at them staring back at us like we were the animals and they were the visitors to the zoo! See these....

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Mark took plenty more pictures.....I chose the ones I liked best (which is still plenty!)....

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And here's one of us eating breakfast.....oily and unhealthy and undelicious and bloody expensive!!

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Okie.......look forward to the next nature walk....maybe bird park?! I know Mark is DYING to go there....right Ange????

Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Fun Friday!

I had a great time on Friday. Had my pedicure done with the gals as usual! Then had a great dinner at Marina South after that with the guys.

Had my nails done a loud metallic dark red! Ange's a sweet light purple, Jolene's a gothic dark purple! All our toenails look fabulous!

We adjourned to Marina South for steamboat after the pedicures and we were all starving by the time we got there! was real good fun pigging out and talking cock together! Some of the pictures below....credits to shutter-happy Mark! Look at all our goofy faces! So stuffed with food and happy!!

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After our stomachs were filled to capacity, we were all at a loss where to go. In the end.....we decided to go to Mark and Ange's place to hang out. On the way to Sengkang, we ran into this stupid idiotic moronic ass of a driver! Don't know what the F*** he trying to do.....cutting into other people's lanes for no reason. Damn bloody dangerous! If only I can recall his bloody licence plate number! I would post it up here and also write a nice long letter to the TP (if it helps!).

Anyway....we enjoyed chilling out at Ange's cosy and we get to entertain little Rushie boy! It sure is tiring! He keeps coming back to us with his little ball asking us to throw it for him to catch! Phew!! I prefer my couch potato dog...Nana! Haha!! Mark was so nice....brought drinks for us, even chips with salsa sauce. He and Alan played PS while we gals just chit-chat and throw balls! Finally I got tired and said want to go home already! Went home and KO immediately! Tired!! In Seacrest's style......"Kow Out!"

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Missed me?? I'm back!!

I think ah, like my dear friends and fellow-bloggers, Ange and Jolene, I'm losing my enthusiasm for blogging....hehe. When was the last time I blogged? I can't even remember....haa.

Well, today is the end of yet another weekend. I had a quiet and peaceful one.

Except for the "gong jiao wei" session on Friday with Ange, Mark, Jolene, Tim and my sis! Ange, Jolene and I planned actually to go for a swim (code-name: Mahjong). We tried to trick fate by using the code name instead of the real word in the hope that the weather won't change. I've experienced it plenty of times....the minute the "swimming" word is uttered.....extremely great weather can morph into a session of cats and dogs outpour! Alas! Fate has other things planned for us!

Instead of burning some calories, we ended up putting somemore on and also had a blast with the added persons of Mark, Tim and my sis. My sis just happened to be at Bugis where I met up with Ange and Mark with Jolene after work and so she went with us to the Cheesecake Cafe in Siglap. Tim had just finished work and was gonna meet Jolene so we sorta psychoed him to go to the Cheesecake Cafe. I think Tim could see how MUCH Jolene wanted to eat cheesecake that he gave in, even though Siglap is a long long way from home for him.

Heehee....we all just had the yummiest cheesecakes and talked about absolute rubbish (well, about 90% was "jiao wei"!) haha!! We really had a blast!! The topics of our jiao wei session ran the gamut of food, design, bikes, my honey (and how "good boy" he looks!), the stuff that comes out after our food is digested (yew!!), etc! That was a lot of fun....only pity honey was on duty and therefore unable to join in!

Oh right....speaking about weather.....the Sun seems to be extra hot lately. Ange and Jol, our "mahjong" date might come true yet! And, Jol can oso plan her suntanning again....keke....don't forget the all-important sunblock though!

One more thing, I made up my mind over the weekend about the auditions at Hark. Decided to just go for it and have fun....might not be selected but heck, who cares! Now gotta think of what songs to sing!! Gonna have to start my no fried/spicy/heaty foods routine again! Darn...and Jol and I just bought plenty of chocolates last Friday.....sighs.....

Right! Back to work tomorrow! What a bummer!! Grrrr...super-duper drag!!