Pretty In Pink

Monday, February 27, 2006

What have been keeping me busy! Too busy to blog......

I've been so busy (read: lazy!) to blog. Gonna try and give an update of everything since I've been gone from the blogging world! As they say a picture paints a thousand words so.....

Valentines' Day

Didn't get to celebrate on the actual day with Honey as he's got class. We did a simple celebration the next day at k-box. He gave me roses and a pink baby-G!

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I got him a card with 2 funny-looking cats on the front and a belt from U2. The belt was a last minute idea. Really clueless on what to buy guys!

The Big Move

Another big event was the moving of Honey's chinchillas, Mickey and Minnie to my place because his sister didn't allow him to keep all 3 chins. So Meeko is now all alone at Honey's place. Mickey and Minnie are nicely settled in my room. They have become my babies. I miss them when I'm not home. I just can't wait to get home and feed them, refill their water bottle and chit chat with them. Never mind the fact that they sprinkle bathing sand and fur all over my room and I have to sweep the floor every night. All that doesn't matter! Oh and I love feeding them their fav raisins! The way they grab the raisin out from my hand and hold it with their little paws.

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Oh and Nana enjoys the new TV....her fav programme "The Chinchillas - Life in a Cage".

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Her friend Smokey somehow gives this new TV a wide berth. (Scaredy cat!!)

What Colour Nail Polish for ME?

Your Nail Polish Color is Pink

How you're unique: You're girly without being high maintenance

Why your style rocks: You're the perfect blend of stylish, preppy, and cute

What this color says about you: "I am secure enough not to follow every trend"

Surprise, surprise! It's pink!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I have a PINK Heart!!

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance