It's another new year. 2008! Time for new resolutions but then again I never manage to keep to any of them.
Anyways, gonna have at least a few:
1. Exercise more regularly, have more activities in the outdoors (need a pair of rollerblades to start my falling-all-over-the-place again!). It's great to even just walk in the park with honey. Feels good to be in the open air. Great bonding time too for us, hehe! Gotta keep the romance alive and stay healthy at the same time.
2. Spend less on credit. Not sure if I can control but I will definitely try. Just have to keep reminding myself how I feel at the end of the month when I get my bills!
3. Spend less on unnecessary stuff! Already feel kinda guilty for indulging myself last December - gucci bag and Nintendo DS. But well, what's done cannot be undone and I really do like my new "toys"!
4. Walk my dog more often. I know she enjoys going out (which doggie doesn't?!) but I always get so lazy once I'm home that I just sit in front of the TV and freeze.
5. Clean my house more often so that when I do clean, there's not so much junk and dust, etc!
Ok, 5 is enough. Too much expectations, more disappointment! Haha!
Have a really, really good year ahead everyone. Stay active, happy, hopeful, in love, in touch, safe, etc etc! Wishing everyone a fantabulous year 2008!!!!!!