Pretty In Pink

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

Hi everyone,

I've been trying and trying to upload this post for days!!!! Can't seem to get it saved/published!

I've done a wishlist instead of a resolutions list...haha....

1. A better world for EVERYONE (not just the rich) and EVERYTHING (not just human beings!). We humans should cherish what Mother Earth have given us and be more conscious of the effects our actions have on nature. We should be more humane and loving towards all animals that share our world.

2. Everyone using the escalators (especially in MRT stations) please stay on the left if you're not planning to move your butt/legs/whatevers up. It's supremely frustrating (to put it mildly) to be stuck behind a selfish moron who holds up a long line of people in a hurry behind!!!! Don't make me wanna kick butts early in the morning can?!!!

3. Sort of related to the above wish....I really wish and hope that the people here can be considerate enough to not stand in other people's way when they are slow-moving, indecisively hovering from left to right or too engrossed with talking to actually move!!! As you can see, I hate being stuck behind morons who don't move! I just loathe having my path blocked for whatever reason! Patience not one of my virtues!

4. More time. 24 hours not enough after subtracting the time we spend sleeping and the time we spend trying to earn a living. Not enough time to hang out with friends, to spend with loved ones, to do stuff I enjoy doing (that includes some quiet "Me" time), to work out, to learn a new skill, etc. I need time!!!

Special dedications.....

My folks - I miss being at home with you! Thanks for always being so supportive of everything I do. Now I'm not living at home, I know how pampered I've been!!

Honey - Thanks for everything my honey!! Do your best for your studies! I'll support you all the way!

Ange & Mark - Thanks for all the help you've given me!!! And all the advice!! I can't ask for more with friends like you guys!

Jolene - I'm sooooooo excited and happy for you! I've told you so many times before that good things will come to you coz you absolutely deserve them! You didn't believe me then.......I just had to say this "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" Gonna miss you when you're far far away!

Jasmine, Frances, Hong Ee - Glad to have made friends like you this year! Made 2006 more interesting for me. Someone once told me that colleagues cannot make good friends. Bah, rubbish!

To everyone else, have a blessed and good year ahead!!


At 5:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe..yups, i was skeptical than cause was at my damn lowest but deep inside i do believe you.. hehe.. and yeaps.. i will definitely miss u too! Thank you for everything you've done for me and your sweetest friendship ever. hehe!

At 10:27 AM , Blogger Ned Nickerson said...

Hey SR!

Yeah, it's most certainly a blessing in 2006 to have known you! Sigh I really miss the times when I waltz over to your area and go PSSST! ;) It's been pretty hectic since I stepped into RP so I'll try my best to come by for lunch (or teh tarik & pancakes!) when the holidays come and I can take leave! All the best in 2007 and thanks for remembering us!

Ned Nickerson

At 12:31 PM , Blogger Sharon said...

Hey HE, now I've got a "birdie" walking past and instead of "pssst", I hear "chirp chirp!"

Guess who!?!?

At 1:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello sweetie!!! :D

Do update your blog more often Okie??? :D

I also hope the world will be a BETTER place for all of us!!!
For all kind people! *Hehe*!!! :D

And Guess wat~
I super duper hate it when people
don't know how to stand on LEFT
side of escalator automatically too!!!
Pissed and irritated me off!!!

So Bu Zhi Dong!!! Hmmp!!!
HiGh 5^!!! :D

Take care!!!
And ***HAPPY MARRIAGE*** too!!! :D :D :D

LoVe, Vivien aka MiniViVi~!!! :D

At 1:39 PM , Blogger Sharon said...

Hehe, thanks for dropping by VV!

I will try to update my blog more often this year....I hope!

At 11:40 AM , Blogger Ned Nickerson said...

BIRDIE??? Who's that? Some chi ko pek ah?


At 11:41 AM , Blogger Sharon said...

No lah.....your Aunty Mag lah....hehe!


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