Pretty In Pink

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Seven Things!

Compliments of Violet....(she ask me to do this seemingly boh-liao thing but it is quite interesting!)

Se7en things that (will) scare me
1. Losing my voice
2. Losing my loved ones and close friends
3. Being unloved
4. Being loved just for my looks alone (Fuck, I'm not a VASE!)
5. Having no money to do all the things I wanna do before I die
6. Losing myself
7. Not being able to have pets at home

Se7en things i like the most
1. My loved ones and good friends
2. Singing
3. Music, music, music!!
4. Animals
5. Shopping
6. Pink
7. Being so engrossed in a book, I forget where I am

Se7en most important things in my room
1. My bed and pillows and cuddly things
2. Fan
3. Hifi set
4. Dressing table, mirror and all my face products (I'm vain, so shoot me!!)
5. Books and magazines
6. Clothes
7. Windows

Se7en random facts about me
1. I love to talk to myself
2. I love to sing to myself
3. I get hysterical when things don't go my way
4. Don't irritate/insult/offend me, you won't like the consequences
5. I talk to my cats/dogs/hamsters/soft toys
6. I'm stubborn as hell
7. I hate my common name but like my unique surname!

Se7en things I plan to do before I die
1. To love like there's no tomorrow
2. Go to countries like Italy, Cambodia, Vietnam, US, Egypt, Israel
3. Make a difference in Singaporeans' mindset when it comes to animals (Mission quite impossible, thanks to the authorities!)
4. Be married to the one I love more than anything in this world
5. Have plenty of pets
6. Make my own CD
7. Be given the chance to sing for my living

Se7en things I can do
1. Sing
2. Laugh at myself and at everything
3. Multi-task
4. Be a great friend
5. Eat
6. Love
7. Cry

Se7en things I can't do
1. Do calculations without the help of calculator
2. Read a map
3. Be a hypocrite
4. Let myself or my closed ones get stepped on and not do anything
5. Seeing animals get insulted/ill-treated by idiots
6. Housework
7. Cook

Se7en things I say the most
1. Ma de!
2. Shit!
3. Hi hi
4. Oh! Fuck!
5. Really??!
6. Wah lau eh!
7. KNN

Se7en celeb crushes
1. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
2. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
3. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
4. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
5. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
6. Tony Leung Chiu Wai
7. Tony Leung Chiu Wai

Se7en people I'll love to see doing this
1. Jolene
2. Ange
(I can only think of 2 people game enough for this (Read: boh liao enough for this...just like moi!)


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